The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

DALL-E: Curt Doty

The Impact of Generative AI on the Art of Branding: A Veteran's Perspective

As someone who has spent over three decades in the trenches of branding and creating identities, I've witnessed firsthand the evolution of this craft. From the meticulous hand-drawn logos to the sophisticated digital designs, every era has brought its own set of tools and challenges. However, the emergence of Generative AI (GenAI) in the branding sphere presents an unprecedented shift, one that is both exhilarating and, admittedly, a bit daunting.

The Good: GenAI has the power to democratize creativity, making design more accessible to those who may not have the traditional skills but possess brilliant ideas. Its capacity for rapid prototyping is unparalleled, allowing brand creators to explore a multitude of visual identities in a fraction of the time it would take manually. This can significantly speed up the branding process, making it more efficient and cost-effective for both designers and clients. Furthermore, AI's ability to analyze vast datasets can lead to insights into consumer preferences, trends, and persona development, enabling brands to tailor their identities more closely to their target audiences.

The Bad: Despite these advancements, my heart, honed by years of crafting brands with care and precision, harbors reservations. The tactile essence of branding, the feeling of pencil on paper, and the organic evolution of a visual identity seem at odds with the automated, algorithm-driven outputs of GenAI. There's a certain magic in the serendipitous mistakes of hand-drawn designs, a depth of character that's hard to replicate with vectors and code alone.

The Ugly: Moreover, the reliance on GenAI risks diluting the uniqueness of brands. When solutions are derived from similar algorithms, we might edge closer to a homogenized visual landscape, stripping brands of the distinctiveness that sets them apart. It is the “Sea of Sameness” I have written about before. The craft of branding is not just about visual appeal; it's about weaving a narrative, embedding a company's ethos and values into its identity. The concern is whether GenAI can truly grasp and convey the nuanced storytelling that great branding requires.

As we witness the disruption and homegeny, GenAI could be a formidable tool in the arsenal of brand creators. Yet, it's crucial to remember that tools are only as good as the hands that wield them. If the Hacks win it is a race to the bottom. As branders, we are the educators. Advising clients why there needs to be a process, why branding is more than a logo. The essence of branding lies not in the medium but in the message, the emotional resonance that connects a brand to its audience. While GenAI can offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency, it cannot replace the intuition, passion, and creativity of the human spirit. The value of great design was declining before GenAI entered as clever marks were abandoned for a homogenous sans serif logotype, hardly trademarkable.

To actually progress, we must lead with our humanity, using GenAI as a partner to enhance our work, not define it. The future of branding lies not in abandoning the craft of hand but in merging it with the capabilities of GenAI, ensuring that even in a world of algorithms, our brands retain their soul. As we move forward, wield this new tool with wisdom, ensuring that our brands remain as vibrant, unique, and human as the stories they aim to tell. And always, keep your pencils sharpened.


About the Author

Curt Doty specializes in branding, product development, social strategy, integrated marketing, and UXD. He has extensive experience on AI-driven platforms MidJourney, Adobe Firefly, ChatGPT, Colossyan,, and DALL-E. His legacy of entertainment branding: Electronic Arts, EA Sports, ProSieben, SAT.1, WBTV Latin America, Discovery Health, ABC, CBS, A&E, StarTV, Fox, Kabel 1, TV Guide Channel, and Prevue Channel.

He is a sought after public speaker having been featured at Mobile Growth Association, Mobile Congress, App Growth Summit, Promax, CES, CTIA, NAB, NATPE, MMA Global, New Mexico Angels, Santa Fe Business Incubator, EntrepeneursRx and AI Impact. He is now represented by Ovationz. His most recent consultancy RealmIQ helps companies manage the AI Revolution.

© 2024 Curt Doty Company LLC. All rights reserved. RealmIQ is a division of the Curt Doty Company. Reproduction, in whole or part, without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Publisher is not responsible for any AI errors or omissions.

Curt Doty

Curt Doty is a former NBC Universal creative executive and award-winning marketer. As a creative entrepreneur, his sweet spot of innovation has been uniting the worlds of design, content and technology. Working with Microsoft, Toshiba and Apple, Curt created award-winning advanced content experiences for mobile, eBooks and advertising. He has bridged the gap between TV, Film and Technology while working with all the movie studios and dozens of TV networks. Curt’s Fortune 500 work includes content marketing and digital storytelling for brands like GM, US Army, Abbott, Dell, and Viacom.

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